Think You "Own" The Water Passing Through Your Wellworks and Therefore The Water On Or Under Your Rural Property? NOT.
A Post Script Note re "Water Wars"
Apparently, I was surprised to be informed, just after submission of the Water Wars article, that it seems there are now water meters installed in the Bay area. I am not sure which kind or where.
So "rumour has it" that anyone who overuses quantities of water in the Bay area can apparently be traced and their usage can be measured by neighbours, seemingly virtually immediately.
I am given to understand, albeit by hearsay, that, for example, a renter who washed dozens of diapers a day was tracked in no time flat and she then was "educated" in the correct uses of water deemed appropriate to a limited island water supply.
I further have been assured by an elected official, one who ought to know, that well owners can all expect meters on our wells in the not too distant future, not out of any concern or the environment, but because there's a corporate dollar to be made by charging for every drop. Ironically, it is the environmentalists who have organised this effort by mapping wells from those who volunteer to disclose exactly where their own water supply is and by urging locals to measure the usage on their own wells with "free: monitoring devices which the authorities than return and record.
T'was ever thus, the green pioneers endup being the ones used becuase they are so eager to break ground for the profiteers who follow in their wake.
This is just ONE reason why one's own PRIVACY should be protected.
Afterall, here is the deal:
The owner of the well really only "owns the works, the means of delivery of water, NOT the wmany many thousands of dollars for the pump, for all of the pipe, the electricity used to deliver the water, for the shut of valve to save the pump, for the initial installation of all of these, for the maintenance of every aspect of the owner's well, for the replacement parts, not to mention it is also the responsible owner who pays for their own septic treatment at the other end, before the water is returned to the system.
If a fee was to soon become attached to one's well water, via metering, in the near future, can the owner in turn charge money for returning the used but treated water to the system via their own septic distribution field? Not likely
So ask yourself this: Why aren't well owners planning a way to charge the government for the price of the works at both ends, for every asp[ect of the well and for the return of used and treated water, if the government is going to charge you for using it by putting a meter on your works atop your own well?
If the third world is any warning to heed, before long every single drop of fresh potable water on the planet will have a price attached to it and those who can pay will play. In England they have begun to charge for the water people collect rom their rooves. In the movie The Corporation, the Frazer Institute advocates doing ecactly this, putting a price on everyu square inche of the planet.
So ...... How will those who can no longer afford to pay the rising fare for water fare, one might ask?
Will they be the first ones to die of thirst?
Labels: Water Rights
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