Friday, March 09, 2007


"One Pill Makes You Larger, And The Other One Makes You Small, And The Ones That Mother Gives You Don't Do Anything At All":

Seems obvious, doesn't it?
The drug world's real agenda is would be grasped immediately if harmful illegal drugs were promoted in exactly the same way as harmful legal drugs are currently being "pushed" by international pharma cartels.
Yet people are "swimming in pills" (do see the Google video of the same The advertising that is modern drug pushing is all done under the auspices of "educating" the public, rather than anyone noticing what it really is, which is the marketing of billions of dollars worth of drugs of often dubious merit to seemingly zombie like recipients who seem afraid NOT to take drugs or to even consider alternatives to drugs.
However, this thoughtful google documentary carefully examines what one might call "white coat" worship, a condition to which a certain kind of person readily succumbs, suffered by those who confuse doctors with authorities or priests of medicine.
Ask yourself this: What drug cures "white coat worship"?
We seem to have forgotten that doctors are simply human beings, except ones with more money and more malpractice suits.
These are not people who should dictate one's life long choices. In fact no one else should do so. Abdication of all responsibility for intentionally choosing how one lives one's life is the only real disease here.
Doctors are subject to influence and motivated by gain, just like anyone else. Worse yet, they can also become coerced by the potential threat of loss of white coat authority, that seductive influence and power which most doctors count on having and wielding, not to mention the fear of loss of those very large earnings promised them as their just reward for making it through medical school. Just remember though that at least one half of medical doctors graduate in the bottom half of their class.
Feeling less sick suddenly?
Prescription drugs are such a huge and rapidly growing industry. And yet what else if not a a drug pusher working, willingly or otherwise, in an often questionable relationship to Big Pharma, is a doctor of conventional medicine?
Do most people realise, for example, that doctors who become resistant to or unwilling to routinely prescribe certain drugs (such as Prozac or Lipitor) have been known to lose their licenses and/or have been banned by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, just for deciding on the basis of known risk factors NOT to prescribe the drugs they are expected by pharma cartels to prescribe without exception?
And why does Big Pharma give so many rewards to doctors? Why do they offer anything from defraying medical student's costs when they are in training, to gifting them free medical bags and stethoscopes, to rewarding doctors with countless financial bonuses, such as exotic paid vacations, etc? How many unthinking drug takers understand that for every dollar spent on legal drugs that are often ill researched as it is an additional dollar and a quarter is spent on a secondary industry, the development of an antidote drug to ameliorate only some of the side effects of the first drug .... and so on?
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World of Soma has now become modern reality in First World nations with the cash to drug themselves.
Inestimable numbers of people consider drugs as the answer for everything. Why are so many people willing to be drug users despite absence of proof that they help anything?
Do prescription drugs really "cure" anything? Or do they, at best, manage certain manifesting symptoms of undiagnosed deeper underlying causes, meanwhile, at the same time, causing other often far more dangerous symptoms and side effects?
Statins are just one example of a drug which has killed over and over again, a drug which has no proven effect for the vast majority, which has had many warnings about their use released by countless universities, etc., including but not limited to a well known extensive study by UBC.
Statins do not effect the mortality rate of users at all.
FACT: Statins may cause the user's heart to fail instead, due to a condition with a fancy name which means sudden muscle weakness, which is one of many side effects statiin drugs cause.
So instead of the durg user dying from a heart attack they tend to die of heart failure. This is still called "success" in medical circles, even though the patient dies. Yet despite this and other side effects such as mood volatility, insomnia, memory loss, liver toxicity, extreme inrritability, emotional volatility, etc., statins remains massively successful as a marketing compaign manufacturing a perceived need.
Maybe the correct question should be "When did fear driven decisions gain the upper hand for far too many people, about this and so much else?"?
