Sunday, May 20, 2007

On Being Litigiously Religiously Right

CLIMATOLOGY & The Religiosity Reflex

It is always revealing to be forced to remember just how far we have NOT come since the Dark Ages, isn’t it?
And is it really reassuring to witness how religiously we go about prostrating ourselves before the cargo cult pseudo scientist priests while we worship at the altar of the not all that secular religion of climate ’science’, the latest version of scientology, supposedly minus the ‘tology’ bit.

What is it, too few seem to stop and ask themselves, that seduces us into animism, Gaia-ism, scienc-ism, what fatal flaw lies coiled in our all too human nature?

Which spiritually retarded aspect of being human calls to us, as if we have been pre-programmed for lemming precipitousness, and convinces the majority to vote against their own best interests?

What kind of perverse nostalgia is contained in the retreat into the average witch hunt atmosphere?

Why do so few question the cyclical McCarthyesque and spasmodic retrogression of so called civilized culture, the repeatedly emerging absolutist atmosphere which too easily invites far too many to grab at any opportunity to feel morally superior and righteous about exactly what it is each one of us is absolutely sure we know with certainty to be true about virtually anything and everything.

And having voluntarily backed into that primitive and deeply illiterate corner, what purpose - other than culling of the masses - does being in denial about the nature of leadership serve, as most humans tend to periodically seek out amnesia about evil, abandoning the rest of us to that dead end wherein humans will not admit to any error in judgement? Beats me, but there is no denying that all of this seems to run us, even while we are busy thinking that we are thinking.

Is there cause for any optimism? Can we dig our way out of this distraction from the real confidence trick in process in time, unrelenting REAL pollution, in time to notice the REAL obscured but vital issues, such as the corporatisation of water and air and food and soil, sold back to us under the guise of the necessity for our collective dying love for planet earth, all the while linked to the need for politicians everywhere to pursue taxation disguised as austerity psychosis?
