Monday, April 02, 2007

Staying Healthy By Laughing One's Self Well

Storms and the damage they wrought are beginning to fade away.
Despite the fact that my partner and I have personally lost many many extremely large trees, not to mention suffering extensive property damage from same, my feeling is that that was then, and this is now.
The health giving sun is out.
Snowdrops are in bloom.
Warmth makes everything begin to grow green and new once again.
Spring is just around the corner.
The air temperature turns kind and forgiving, which encourages in the receptive a renewed sense of joy and well being.
Did you know that a sense of humour is one of the first things to go when someone is descending into becoming mentally unwell?
If you feel a cold coming on, you take vitamin "C" and echinecea, right?
Okay then.
Here is the metaphysical equivalent, laughter, which, along with gratitude for what we DO have, is truly chicken soup for the soul, - for everyone who is capable of laughter, that is.
(Sociopaths are a soul less exception and as such need inquire no further).

To get everyone else over the last of winter , which is maybe only one more brief snow away, I offer this:
Archives of tons of some amazingly funny stuff, including many archival links to videos of that master of modern improvisational comedy, Stephen Colbert.
While you are at it, here is the link to an entire archive for Jon Stewart's Daily shows, as well.
It matters little that the subject matter is largely focused on the U.S. political scene.
We are Canadians, so for us this presents no problem.
We are capable of understanding "foreigners" and of following American politics, knowing that the trends to the south directly affects us within less than 18 months. So, even though it is a fact that the average American tends to be more than a tad andro-centric and does not understand Canadian culture or how we think, let's be different.
Welcome to this comedy mother-load, a cost free source containing literally years of health giving laughter, completely FREE, for anyone who wants (or needs) to laugh (and is lucky enough to have high speed).
So, if you are well, stay well.
And if you are not?
Laugh yourself well!
All the best,

Archive For Everything and Anything Colbert:

Archive for Everything from the Daily Show and Jon Stewart:
