Thursday, May 20, 2010


Regretfully, Ignoring Manifestations Of This Reality Doesn’t Change It

Well, this is surely rounding out the picture regarding what the Machiavellian test is all about.

This article takes things further. It explains how High Machs are or become (nature versus nurture?) High Machs. If this article seems to be about human dynamics which some don’t willingly recognise. And yes, it can be very difficult to recognise or relate to anything this sociopathic sounding. However, the more alien this sounds to you the greater the chances are that one’s own resistance to understanding what this article is describing also may indicate that one is probably unconsciously on the receiving end of another’s power machinations rather than being on the power end. Those seem to be the only options. I wonder.

Machiavellian this may be, even terrifying, but this does not make the reality of it any less real. Kind of scary to consider it though, isn’t it? This article clearly illustrates that those who choose the position of powerlessness only are left the option to serve the Dr. Jekyll power mongers who are everywhere. Those who prefer powerlessness apparently enable the use and abuse of power by the Mr. Hyde side of those same disguised but power mongering types. It looks rather as if most must be minions who choose to ignore the reality of how power works, preferring to pretend that the human dynamics of power do not operate in this way. Worse yet, if this Law has any credence, it makes it clear that retreat and isolation are not viable options, as this kind of human power monger is everywhere! So much for living on the fringes?

Care to comment, anyone?



Politics For Profit

Once again, the fore warning becomes clearer: Exalt science at your peril. Now, follow the money. It is a proven fact that the Nazis cynically pushed a green agenda for totally brown ends. Why? Because it would be effective and profitable, not because they gave a damn about the real or the imagined environmental issues of the day.

A few years back brown Arnold of Germany starting having play dates with brown Gordon the realtor Premier of B.C. to talk about the best way to make huge private profits with a green surcharge, which would then disappear into general revenues. As for global warming, just ask yourselves which uses more energy for a greater part of the year. Air conditioning? Or heating?

Obviously what we have been haned here is a Canadian premier and and the bankruptcy specialist California governor Arnold in cahoots, with the American wealthy corporate elite yet again telling the Canadian wealthy corporate elite how to cash in together on global cooling while pitching global warming. Then follow that money right back to your own thinning wallet.

What better way could there be to capitalise on global cooling through yet another surcharge on absolutely everything we use or need to survive than to generate self serving mass hysteria, profitable chaos and money making fear about the well publicised imminent Armageddon we are asked to trust them when they tell us we face, imminent doom, now known, almost overnight, dressed up this time as the dreaded spectre of global warming? Needless to say there is a lot of money to be made by a few by carbon taxing and cap and trading the many once they are on board the fear boat to hell.

However, since anything which demands too much inevitably demands its own destruction, remember to also ask this: At what point does the milking middle class cow dry up for good?
Effective a few years ago when the bill below was passed in the B.C. legislature, every single form of energy that exists, everything from natural gas to electricity to propane, any fuel of any description which you use to keep warm when it is cold, all of which has already become the property of privatised corporations, despite the window dressing of sporting “B.C.” logos, now has a hefty surcharge on it.


Oh, and by the way? The profiteering fear mongerers are also closing the gate on two other things,
a) the future of any and all incandescent light bulbs, gone forever by 2012 despite the proven health dangers of electromagnetic fields and radiation from using florescent bulbs, and
b) the elimination of any and all wood heating/burning devices, which has already happened elsewhere.

Just ask Cheney - who was always impeachment proof, made of teflon, ask him for his connections to the use of fear mongering for unnecessary wars, all for profit. Hysteria and fear ALWAYS make those who orchestrate it a ton of money. Ddoes not matter if it is cancer or climate, same model.
Then they cover their bases by saying that this will mean temperature extremes. that way if things don’t heat up on schedule it is that bitch Mother Nature acting out again because she has been abused.

Okay so here it is nearly the end of April. Even the bees we do have are in their hives, still feeling way too cold to come out and play the pollen collection game (and yes Canada has still got many honeybees, it is the States which mostly does not). Funny. It sure looks a whole lot like this global warming game is not warming up on schedule, at least to me. still wearing winter duds. Will someone turn up the heat, please, then immediately dig into our pockets deeper to pay the corporate piper so that we can still keep warm, at least for as long as we can afford to do so.
