Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Which Former Separatist City Will Head Up The NAU

Standardizing Quebec
The Election from Afar

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
March 28, 2007

A three party race? The separatist party falling fast with an incompetent leader? An emerging conservative party? What is happening in Quebec? I am not an expert on all the subtleties of the political scene in Quebec. But, sometimes knowing less detail about something as deceptive as politics can add some clarity.

Taking a step back. Canada is currently being merged with the US and Mexico under the Security and Prosperity Partnership or more properly the North American Union (think European Union or Soviet Union). How does Quebec sovereignty fit into this amalgamation of the Americas?

Remember back in November? When all major federal political parties supported the concept of Quebec as a nation within a nation? Does that sound better as a nation within a super-state? This concept of Quebec as a nation within a nation was solidified well before November, in May 2006, Stephen Harper and Jean Charest signed a role for Quebec ñ separate from Canada - in UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

How does the North American Union, the fall of separatists in Quebec and Quebec as a nation within a nation all fit together? An idea, I first heard from Alan Watt, was that Montreal was chosen as the future capital of the North American Union. This information came from Shelley Ann Clark back during the NAFTA negotiations. I have not been able to confirm this, but here is a transcript of an interview with Shelley Ann Clark that is worth reading.*

The idea of Montreal as the capital of the NAU does however pass the smell test. An American city would leave the impression that Canada and Mexico were being absorbed into the US [1]. What better place then a nation within a nation which is culturally distinct from the rest of Canada? To make that happen a calming or even silencing of Quebec independence would be necessary.

Some food for thought.

[1] This impression would be quite false. Canada and Mexico are not being pulled in under US law (ie. the constitution or what is left of it). The three are being merged under a separate bureaucratic system. The American citizens are loosing their sovereignty as much as the Canadians and Mexicans.



Canadian-American Free Trade Deception

Taped Interview with Shelley Ann Clerk (#2)

This taped interview with Shelley Ann Clark has been abstracted from the book 'NEW WORLD ORDER CORRUPTION IN CANADA', by Professor Robert O'Driscoll [now out-of-print]. Ms Clark played a key role in the 1987/88 Free Trade Negotiations in which Canada's future was secretly bartered away...
Shelley Ann Clark: I was hand-picked for the position as Germain Denis' Assistant. I was told from the beginning that the interview was just a formality. How true that turned out to be! After Germain Denis had interviewed me only for about 3 minutes, he asked me when I could start work. Wanting this challenge, I agreed to become his executive assistant.

I was hired in July and by September we had a computer system called GEAC. This system had been brought in by one Peter Hines, today a millionaire, and I discovered quickly that he and Germain Denis were very tight. I wondered why? It certainly wasn't the technical expertise that bonded them: Germain Denis was a person who refused to have a computer in his office. "No," he was heard to say, "this is far too complex for my mind. Shelley Ann will have the one computer installed in my area." Mr. Denis was not telling the truth, as we shall discover later.

Germain Denis was, as is indicated above, in charge of critical aspects of the Free Trade negotiations. At the time I had two secretaries working for me who were inputting top secret material into this computer. We had no hours: when you entered the building, you never knew when you would leave.

Late one Friday, actually at 6.30 p.m., a rather demanding lady, Sylvia Ostry, telephoned, demanding a copy of a particular document that was on the computer: in two hours, she told us she was boarding a flight to the United States, and she needed this particular document. Unfortunately, I was the only one left in the office. The secretaries had gone home. Each person with access to the computer had a password: nobody knew the other person's password and this, I was told, was for security purposes. What I imediately did was to check with the person who had installed the GEAC system - Peter Hines - and fortunately found him still on the job. My first question was to ask him whether anything could be done to accommodate the urgency of Sylvia Ostry's request. I said there must be a way to break the programme codes of the computers and if anyone would know it would him. "Don't tell a soul, Shelley Ann," he said, "but the only way that we can get into the computer system at Trade Negotiation Office is to contact the president of GEAC. He has the "God" password." "The "God" password? What in heaven's name is that?" "Well," he answered, "that is what the president has termed it and he is the only one that has it." "Are you telling me that the president of GEAC has access to all of our information within our computer system?" "That's right. He can access Simon Riesman's computer. He can access everyone's computer on the seventeenth floor at 50 O'Connor." I felt like saying: "Who the hell is the president of GEAC ?" But for the moment I registered the thought internally, saying: "Can you contact this guy, Peter, I really need the document." Suddenly - bingo - I had the document in my hands.

"And he's in Toronto, Peter - the president of GEAC?" "That's right!" "And we're here in Ottawa?" "That's right!" "But he can do the commands from Toronto?" "That's right."

The implications, I thought, are enormous. Here we are negotiating this top secret trade deal between Canada and the United States - so secret that secretaries in the same office don't know each other's password to the computer - while the President of the Computer Company registering the information - has access to that information. What kind of security is that? Or are the results of the negotiations a foregone condusion? More likely the latter, I thought. Not to speak of Big Brother, invisible but watching all the time. Tuning in, no doubt, from time to time to see if everything is on track - especially the Canadians.

The very next morning - I've been a Foreign Affairs Diplomat all of my life; I was hand-picked by them right out of business college when I was sixteen years old; so my entire life has been with Foreign Affairs and top-secret clearance with everything involved when you have access to that kind of knowledge, what to watch out for, etc. - the first thing I did (I was a good Foreign Services Officer and playing it according to the book] was that I immediately went to the head of security of the Free Trade Division. While Germain Denis was at this point still Head of Multilateral Trade, Memoranda to Cabinet, usually labelled "Secret" or "Top Secret" and outlining the negotiating tactics to be used with the Americans, would be viewed prior to reaching the Negotiating Table.

So I went to the head of security, Guy Marcoux, and demanded that he investigate. Who really owned this GEAC firm. Was it a Canadian company or was it American-owned with a Canadian subsidiary as a front? The head of the security suggested that I was making a mountain out of a molehill, that I was seeing a problem where it didn't exist, that he would not investigate.

I immediately went to the second-in-command, Gordon Ritchie, the Deputy Chief Negotiator and reported that the head of security did not want to proceed with the investigation. Ritchie ordered that the investigation take place: the end result was that "Yes, GEAC was an American Company," and while the investigation was being conducted, three representatives of GEAC requested via the Deputy Chief Negotiator - Gordon Ritchie - that they see me in order to convince me that nothing was wrong with the system. When Gordon Ritchie came to me I said, "Why me?". "You were the one who discovered it - I will even lend you the famous round table" - where he held all his important meetings - "in my office to meet these GEAC representatives." And sure enough the GEAC representatives came and talked to me for two solid hours using all the high-tech language at their command - language though that I didn't understand: I did not operate a computer at the time - I had two secretaries who did that.

So I sat and I listened and when they had finished I looked at each one of them in turn and said: "After everything you have said, I want one of you to guarantee me that no one can be across the street, in another city, or anywhere else and have access to any of the documents contained within this computer. Guarantee me this in writing and I will be satisfied." I knew they couldn't because a few days before their president had provided me with a top-secret document from the computer. They had to admit it - "No", they said, they couldn't guarantee that. And that was the end of that.

I went back to Gordon Ritchie with that information and forty-eight hours after the complaint had been made, the entire 12 million dollar system that had been installed into the Canada/US Free Trade Office was removed.

My impression was that Simon Riesman and Gordon Ritchie were applauding my efforts. What I couldn't understand at that time - and which is no longer a question mark in my mind - was the reaction of Germain Denis: it was one of complete and total anger: he lost his temper, went out of control, was absolutely enraged. What I am telling you here is in my report to the Public Service Alliance of Canada dated 22 July 1988, because it wasn't untiI that notable day that the reason for the man's rage became apparent to me, that I had indeed made a discovery, and that I had done something about it.

Germain Denis shouted at me: "Who do you think you are - someone at your level certainly doesn't handle such issues as this one - I won't have it." After this outburst he did not speak to me again for the next two weeks. Thank goodness for the co-operation of my colleagues that kept me briefed during that period or I would have had an extremely difficult time in completing the various tasks that had been assigned to me.

I had, though, the absolute evidence: without the president of GEAC, Sylvia Ostry would have had to leave the country without her document.

Mr. Kealey: Of course, removing the computer and replacing it with another does not mean that the problem was resolved. All it means is that Shelley Anne Clark couldn't prove any more that somebody else had access to the computer.

Shelley Ann Clark: Exactly! A new computer came in - IBM compatible, I was told. After my first discovery, they were very attentive to my reactions, explaining that the main disc was right there on the seventeenth floor. They even showed me where it was and that everything that we inputted into the computer would be held on this main disc which would - at the end of the negotiations - be transferred to the archives. So, fine - I took their word for it.

Then came a leak in the press about having no Francophone on board the Free Trade negotiations, so Simon Riesman appointed Germain Denis as the third-in-command, giving him the five major areas of interest to this country: Subsidies, Agriculture, tariffs, Intellectual property (the main umbrella for social programs, copyrights, pharmaceuticals, etc.), and Government Procurement.

Obviously Germain Denis couId not do all of it himself. So he appointed heads for each sector: Michael Gifford was placed in charge of agriculture; Germain Denis held the area of subsidies back for himself; and the person that he put in charge of intellectual property and pharmaceutical was a person who had a lot of control but whom we all thought was a wimp at the time.

All of this started in October 1986. In January 1987, the main negotiators went ahead to Washington for the first negotiating session. Each "chief" put together his working group - a working group on agriculture, a working group on tariffs, a working group on subsidies, etc. Throughout the negotiations, these groups travelled to Washington and met with their US counterparts. The first time Monsieur Denis came back from the US, it was explained to me that we would have to start briefing the Provinces. At the time I thought - rather stupidly - that the briefing would be done by Alan Nimark who was in charge of Federal/Provincial Relations. "No," Monsieur Denis said, "No, Federal/Provincial Relations are exactly that: PR work, smoke-screens, smoke-jobs, call it what you will." "Smoke-screens," I asked? And he said -"Yes - PR. I'm the one who's going to be looking after the Premiers and when they come they'll be needing private dining rooms. There'll be some official briefings right here in the TNO board room, but a lot of the time I'll be meeting the reps on a one-on-one basis." It was the Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan representatives especially that he met on the one-on-one basis.

After the first main negotiating session was planned, I was reeling with the explanations as to how he would be handling the particular briefings, and at ten o'clock went home, thinking it was the end of the day. I arrived home at ten-thirty: one hour later Germain Denis called, telling me to meet him at TNO, not to go by the Front desk, that he would be waiting for me in the garage with a key to the elevator. Security, therefore, was being avoided; anyone going in the front door would normally have to pass through security, sign in the time, and you would be watched on the television cameras until you reached your destination. The way Monsieur Denis arranged it meant that we were observed by nobody. It is relevant that the building is owned by Metropolitan Life - i.e. under Rockefeller control.

The other thing I was told was that I must not "tonight or at any time in the future ever tell your family where you are going: if you do, there will be a heavy price to pay." Again - because of my background in Foreign Affairs and security matters - he didn't have to repeat himself. I understood perfectly well that I was in a tight spot. I didn't know how tight until the negotiations moved into full swing in January '87 and he began altering figures and deleting paragraphs in a sigmificant way.

I would be called in at night - remember I was not allowed to tell anyone where I had gone, and I would often be there until four in the morning. The first thing I had to do was to learn how to operate the computer but was not allowed to tell anybody because I had a secretary to do precisely that. I learned to create a duplicate file from the main disc in the room on the seventeenth floor which contained everything. I was shown how to delete from the main disc once I had finished. This proves Denis was no computer illiterate.

I would arrive and call up the document that they had negotiated in Washington. If it was "Subsidies" that they had worked on, I would call up the "Subsidies" document, duplicate it, and rename it "Provincial". Then my superior would go through it step by step; if they had negotiated 30% or 40%, the figure would be brought down - to the lowest possible figure which was around 10%. This was because he wanted the manoeuvrability to move them upwards: the negotiating provinces would have got rather suspicious if the figures remained the same: an impression of negotiation had to be given where, as it now seems, everything had been decided on beforehand.

Energy? The paragraphs on energy would be methodically deleted. The book, "Faith and Fear", by Professors Doern and Tomlin, confirms what I have already disclosed to the media. They say that the energy chapter was not thrown into the agreement until the last famous weekend of 3 October 1987. I know why the chapter wasn't included until the very end. It was there all the time: in the American version, in the Canadian Federal version but not in the Provincial version - we kept deleting the energy chapter from the Provincial version.

Mr. Kealey: Yes, the Premiers of all of the provinces, except two, did not realize that the country was being given away. Remember what Shelley Ann stated at the beginning: that there were private meetings between some Premiers and Germain Denis. Those were specifically the Premiers of Saskatchewan and Alberta, whom Mulroney had designated "moles" in the group: to surreptitiously find out what the other Premiers were thinking, what their bottom lines in the negotiation would be, and other sensitive data which could be manipulated to the Federal Government's advantage over the provinces.

This information they would then pass on to Germain Denis so that he would be able to put figures in the document that matched what the Premiers were prepared to give away. So there never was a problem of presenting figures that were too far above what the Premiers were prepared to accept. If there was, the solution was quite simple: change the figures in the document. Mulroney and his cohorts knew ahead of time because of the two moles, the Premier of Alberta and the Premier of Saskatchewan.

Shelley Ann Clark: That's right. I was able to prove to CJOH beyond a shadow of a doubt that these meetings took place. I had locked away my appointment book for '86 and '87, and when it was produced every meeting that took place was marked, the rooms that were used, the times, etc. I brought a witness with me - John Bowlby, an executive member of Citizens Against Bad Law. We photocopied the documentation in front of a lawyer. It was submitted to Charlie Greenwell of CJOH TV, so that he and his lawyers knew that when they aired the programme there was sufficient evidence - between the July 1988 Public Service Alliance document and this appointment book - to indicate that I was telling the truth.

May I return to the second "doctored" document produced for the Provinces. Following Germain Denis's directives I would produce a hard copy, make the specified deletions from my hard drive in addition to making those on the hard disc in the main room at 50 O'Connor. This done, I would then create ten copies for ten briefing books. The ten briefing books were numbered because I had to be sure in whose hands each book went just in case one would go astray. So they were numbered one to ten; Alberta would have #1, Manitoba #2, Saskatchewan #3, etc. No matter what pressure was put on me by the Prime Minister's Office, by the Privy Council Office, by Federal Provincial Relations - and I was warned that there would be excessive pressure and complaints by the Premiers for not getting their books several hours ahead of the briefings - I was ordered to give out the books literally minutes before the briefings took place. At the end of the session, Germain Denis would bring back the books himself or, if he didn't, I would be called in and the minute they left the room I would go and collect them, bring them back, and lock them in Monsieur Denis's vault.

Then at midnight I would undo nine of the briefing books and shred them in the shredder. It had to be done at midnight: you couldn't afford to be caught by security and we had been ordered under a special memorandum emanating from the Minister's Office that no documents used in the Canada/US negotiation were to be destroyed without the authorization of Riesman or Ritchie. It took that level of authorization to shred anything: we were allowed to shred Telex Packs that came in from Foreign Affairs but any negotiating document could not be touched. The only time I could shred these was between the hours of midnight and 3 am. I would shred nine books, holding one complete set back which I would put in the vault so the next time they negotiated on that particular subject with the Americans we would pull out that one set and Monsieur Denis would know how far he had proceeded. If he had negotiated 10%, the next time it would show up as 12% and so on and so on.

The next development was that Maude Barlow and John Turner started making accusations against Mulroney: that he was selling out the country, that our social security programs were in jeopardy etc. etc. Working directly on the Social Security programs and some of the other issues - as I was - I knew these individuals were telling the truth. The more I realized the illegality of what I was doing the more frightened I became: what this meant for the country and how it would be held over my head as a sort of blackmail control - completely, forever and ever and ever.

My first thought, therefore, was to escape the office, to give up doing what I was doing. I started by asking the Foreign Ministry to transfer me: they wouldn't. Not only that: they wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole: "You have to stay there", they said. "Why?", I said."This is Foreign Affairs, after all: to rotate is a normal part of existence here. I've rotated all my life. Why can't you rotate me now?" "No we can't touch you."

Another position opened up with the Trade Negotiations Office as the head of Protocol and Hospitality, an interesting position which I was more than qualified to deal with. Richard Levy, Head of Operations at the TNO, agreed: "Shelley Ann," he said, "you would be great for the position. Go ahead, speak to the Director General of Operations. If he'll give it to you - you've got it." I met with the Director General of Operations and he, being an honest guy, looked at me: "Shelley Ann, are you out of your mind? Germain Denis will never let you go. It would only be over his dead body that it would be possible for me to remove you from your present position."

ROD: But why?

Shelley Ann Clark: The secrets involved. Remember that Germain Denis, the Prime Minister and I were about the only ones who knew the intricacies and the implications of the free trade deal for Canada at that point. I was vulnerable. The more midnight meetings that were forced the more my marriage was completely falling apart. I was becoming vulnerable, a single parent, needing the job, scared to death and as mad as all hang.

So I created a fuss. The honest guy who told me he wouldn't be able to remove me from my position except over Germain Denis's dead body was immediately posted to Rome. It told certain people he had said too much. Remember that Germain Denis knew I was seeking to remove myself. Everyone had been told not to facilitate this move. Whenever I would go to my Personnel Officer who gave out assignments, I would arrive in that office; within five minutes the phone would ring, Germain Denis would be at the other end of the line. My Personnel Officer would say, "It's Germain. You have to talk to him." And he would beg me and order me to return to TNO immediately. The Personel Officer had never seen anyone of his level beg anyone or order someone back.

ROD: Do you have any piece of evidence we can print?

Mr. Kealey: What you have to consider here is: had she taken any document that was part of their documentation she would be in prison. That would have been a federal crime - removing secret documents - and so she would have been no further ahead if she actually took documents. What she did however was to file a formal complaint with her union. She has the complaint and their covering letter that tells her to destroy the complaint. She is the eye witness - the smoking gun is the Real Free Trade Deal, the one buried in canisters outside Ottawa that Canadians have never seen. What we have to do as a people is to apply pressure upon our so-called independent politicians to see what those canisters contain.

ROD: But can this evidence ever come out? If, for example, we put it in this book we are preparing, with other evidence pointing to the same proposition, will it ever get more than a very limited circulation ?

Mr. Kealey: We have an example right here. Shelley Ann gave her story to one weekly paper. They've written the story in much detail and already people are coming to them saying, "I also worked in that area. I have seen the documentation being transferred from one place to another. I can vouch for what she's saying." The more that is published, the more hands it gets into, the more chance you will have of it circulating. By publishing, by circulating the material you remove fear - you take away that fear and more people will come forward.

Shelley Ann Clark: On 6 January [1994] I was on a talk show that crossed all of Alberta. I stated quite bluntly that what we are dealing with here is treason. The reaction has been extraordinary. I sincerely believe that the book you are preparing, 'NEW WORLD ORDER: CORRUPTION IN CANADA', should be published as soon as possible: that is the way we can reach more Canadians.

Mr. Kealey: They may have their implementation schedule and have set dates by which certain phases of the deal had to be completed, but it is a fraudulent contract and a fraudulent contract does not have legal validity once it has been proven it's a fraud. Whatever dates, therefore, that have been arbitrarily set, are not ultimately important.

Shelley Ann Clark: I have been wanting to cross Canada, to tell Canadians what I know, and try to get them to do something about this. A hundred or two hundred letters are not enough. What is needed are massive demonstrations, hundreds of thousands of letters. Once they realize on Parliament Hill that the entire country knows then they will have to do something.

I thought in the last election that I could do something with the backing of the National Party, that a person like Mel Hurtig would make maximum use of someone like myself. I have the information first-hand: I did the fraudulent act under orders. What did Mel Hurtig and the National Party do? Nothing! I was provided with $1,000 for my fee, but nothing for advertising or all the other considerable expenses that are necessary in order to get your points across to the voters. I went into my riding to be asked: "Why, with what you have to tell, can you not get any backing? Why aren't you on those billboards all over the place?"

Mr. Kealey: We already know why, because after the election we received some documentation and I've been in touch with a number of National Party candidates. I found out. I got the evidence that the National Party manipulated certain ridings to keep their candidates from winning. If they didn't have much of a chance they were given four or five thousand dollars. If they had a chance of winning they were limited to one thousand dollars.

The documentation we now have is that in 1972 Mel Hurtig was a candidate for the Liberals. He had also been in association with the Canadian Institute for International Affairs [NOTE: Canada's "twin" to the CFR in the States]. He was on a programme following recommendations of the Bilderberger meetings that had been held both in the Laurentians and in Vermont. When you link Mel Hurtig directly with the New World Order Gang, you arrive very quickly at the reason why he was where he was during the recent election. He was delivering the Canadian West to the same group that Mulroney and his Gang had given away the rest of the country to.

Then you have Bill Loewen. We have evidence that Bill Loewen, who owned a company called Comcheq, sold his company to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce For $16O million just a year before the election. I would be prepared to bet that Bill Loewen sold his company for $150 million and got $10 million from the Bankers to set up a political party with one purpose - to remove the free trade dissent from the NDP party in the West so that the Liberals would be able to squeak through.

This is exactly what happened all across the West and why today the Liberals have a majority. It's because of the amount in votes taken away from the NDP by the National Party which allowed the Liberal to squeeze by.

I know Bill Loewen personally because he paid my rent for six months. He stopped paying when he asked me to join his political party. He acted just like a banker: when you do the things he wants you to do he will support you; otherwise he won't.

I have, as I said, spoken to a number of National Party candidates and there is general consensus out there that they were manipulated in a way as to prevent them from being successful.

What are we left with? With Brian Mulroney equipped with the cash he stole from Canadians during his years in office, he was able to buy the entire 1993 election. Here in my view is how he went about doing it:

He introduced Lucien Bouchard to Quebecers and made him into a separatist hero by faking a public fight with him over Quebec's role in Canada. Bouchard eventually became the most loved politician in Quebec and led his Bloc Quebequois, with Mulroney's financial support, to victory in Quebec. The Bloc even became the Official Opposition in the Canadian Parliament following the 1993 elections.

He used his considerable influence and money to convince all the Tory "big guns" to drop out of the 1993 election. This guaranteed the Liberals (TEAM 2) under Mitchell Sharp (the banker's man in Ottawa) and Jean Chretien (a Charlie McCarthy dummy like Ronald Reagan) a really good shot at majority government.

He collaborated with Conrad Black's plan to finance the Reform Party in Ontario (while limiting its chances and influence there) by allowing Preston Manning (a leader with links to the CIA in 1967-68) to address the Canadian Club and others on the condition they warn Quebecers to act just like the other provinces or "go away". This message was a total reversal of Alberta's position during the 1981 referendum on separation in Quebec when Quebecers were told they were loved and wanted).

He collaborated with bankers (CIBC) in order to finance Bill Loewen's creation of the new National Party. This new political party, with Mel Hurtig its leader (a 1968-72 former member of the elite Canadian Institute for International Affairs), would mislead 200,000 anti-free trade Canadians away from the NDP thereby allowing the Liberals and Refonmers to win many key NDP ridings.

He destroyed Kim Campbell, the new Tory leader, by using the controlled Media to, at first, build her to heights of popularity she could not be expected to maintain, and then, along with his sleazy team of Montreal Tories, he produced the famous anti-Chretien TV spots to destroy whatever credibility she had left. The end result was that only two Tories were elected, and the most hated politician in French Canada led the only political party with members from coast-to-coast to majority government in Canada.

Once Quebec separates from Canada he will be in position to fund the construction of Simon Riesman's Grand Canal project ($10O-200 billion dollars) and other northern water diversion projects. He will own, control and move fresh water for a price, down into the USA and Mexico.

So what we have here is a plan for the break-up of Canada put together by Mulroney and the Bankers: The first step is to get Quebec to separate; the second to integrate the rest of Canada into the US; the third to get the natives of Northern Quebec to revolt; the fourth to send in the Military from Fort Drum with blue berets; and the fifth to build the Grand Canal.

Shelley Ann Clark: Some of this I have seen confirmed in documents. In March '88 a Memo was circulated around the Free Trade office ordering that all documents used in the negotiating sessions be given to this particular person who was going to catalogue them for the archives. Within an hour of receiving that memorandum, Germain Denise brought me into his office, told me to shut the door, to sit down and pay very close attention to what he was going to say: if I deviated in any way he declared he would destroy me within the Government service within Ottawa - everywhere!

MC: Do you not feel you are in a rather tenuous position?

Shelley Ann Clark: My life is apparently in danger at all times. If I were in the United States now, everyone believes I would be dead [It so happened that Marcel Masse and Stephen Lewis tried to get her transferred to New York]. But you have to understand that we're not part of the United States yet, that we still live in the blessed country of Canada. Apart from Mulroney, Germain Denis, and Gerald Shannon (at the time the Deputy Minister in International Trade), I do not know who else knew, but I do know now that behind the scenes things are happening, that people want me to disclose what I know. That might actually include the RCMP, or maybe even CSIS - I am not sure. Messages have been sent to me that I do not understand: that the safest thing that could do was to disclose.

MC: Maybe you are being set up to be some sort of sacrificial lamb.

Shelley Ann: Maybe. By August or September of last year I gave up fear. I had lived in fear for six years, more than fear - absolute horror: I feared for my children, I feared for myself. It reached a point where I preferred to be dead rather than livinq. Mere existence reaches a point where you can't see how you can go on. I mean, if you are going to be killed, you are inclined at a certain point to say, "Do it now. I am not going to worry about it." It took me six years to reach that point. And then I began to think to myself that we have a duty to the people who brought us into the world, to the people we will leave behind, and to the land that has remained constant. I made a decision not to be frightened any nore, and suddenly I had no fear. I decided to let the world around me know what I know.

George Kralik: You passed the fear barrier.

Shelley Ann: I went through the fear barrier. Now I am back with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a very high profile position, where if anything happens to me with the way I am known across this country now, can I be so bold as to say that revolutions would break out - I mean there is a limit.

Mr. Kealey: By putting Shelley Ann back in position, the liberals are now saying, "We had nothing to do with it."

Shelley Ann: Within a month of being elected, the Liberals were attempting to rectify my situation. I met a Reform Party MP on the Hill and realized that I had to do this because I had promised Canadians that I would do this.

The full story may never be told. When we got the Memo to send all material relating to the negotiations to the archives Germain Denis ordered me to remove all the negotiating documents from his vault to the trunk of his car. He handed me his car keys. I was told to remove them at two-hour intervals and if I found the speed too slow to increase it up to one-hour intervals, but not to get caught or to say anything. "When they come around to you, Shelley Ann, and ask you to give up the documents for the Archivist..." "Yes, what happens when I have nothing to give her?" "You say, Sorry, we started to shut down before the memo came around. Monsieur Denis ordered me to shred everything."

These were my orders and sure enough it took me from about 10:30 in the morning till about 6:30 at night. I removed a total of seven big Xerox boxes to that official's trunk. On the first trip I ran into Simon Riesman's chauffeur who happens to be a gentleman. He asked what I was doing - whether I had found another job, or was moving out of the office. In any case, he asked to carry my box. I refused. He insisted, and when he took the box, he said "What the hell do you have in here?" I replied. "Seven major proof readers have been assigned to read the final text as it was going to legal text. I am one of the seven, and that I am bringing home the full selection of Random House dictionaries with me." I had to make up that story, but, of course, I was going to Germain Denis' car. What do you do when you have Ambassador Reisman's chauffeur carrying the boxes to the wrong car? We reached my car: I just slapped myself on the forehead and said: "Oh God, Phil, stupid me, I'm so exhausted and run down that I have come all the way down here and I've forgotten my car keys. I can't put the box in my car." What else could I have said?

I then realized that I would have to make up a line in order to get rid of Phil. That is when I told him that Simon Reisman was probably looking for him at that very moment since I had overhearsd Simon's Executive Assistant say that Ambassador Reisman had an appointment with the Prime Minister that very morning. Phil, being the gentleman that he still is, insisted that he remain at my car with the box while I went to get my car keys - this is when I told Phil to put the box under the front of the car that was up against the back wall - there it would not be seen and would be safe from theft. Finally, he left. I proceeded with the illicit deed.

What else do I say now? That truth has an indirect but steady course; sooner or later, like a mountain spring, it shakes itself free from its underground imprisonment and runs down the hillside. A few minutes ago someone was talking to me about conspiracy theories. Theory? This is fact. I was there.


North American Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Language in the North American Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
April 2, 2007

The Security and Prosperity Partnership. What a wonderful name. How could you oppose something as benign and noble as that? Do you not want security? Are you against prosperity? What is wrong with you?

I recently wrote a series of articles on the North American Union ID card (Database, Data and Old Idea; New Sales Pitch) and could not help but notice the deceptive and changing language used to promote the idea. Back in 1998, they appeared as Computerized Smart Cards.
Are those opposed to that not instinctively stupid?
They have morphed into new driver's licenses with a variety of names like Passport Lite or High-Tech Driver's Licences or "Laser Visas".

These new cards are nothing like the names would suggest. They are filled with every conceivable piece of information about you that you could imagine. Your fingerprints, retinal scans, DNA, health records, driving history, a picture of your house, internet habits, etc. All the new cards, regardless of their name, contain an RFID tracking chip and are connected to a centralized database for good measure. They are meant to track, trace and catalogue everything you do from birth to death.

Should we keep calling these cards by their government issued names? Or should we call them what they are? At least call them a National ID Card or North American Union ID Card. Or maybe something more descriptive like the Track and Trace Card or "Human Resource Card" or Human Cattle Card or something with some historical flair like Your Papers Please Card. Would it have made any difference if the Soviets had said Your Smart Papers Please? Maybe something more forward thinking like Rations Card or Do You Qualify For a Job Card or Have You Paid Your Taxes Card.

Of course, language is used to deceive and misrepresent in many other areas as well.
Peace Keeping is one of my favourite ways of saying war and occupation.
If you don't believe Peace Keeping means war, here is a nice article by the Canadian Press doing a really bad job of telling you differently. They even have War Games, I mean Peace Keeping Games or Role-Playing Exercises. But doesn't Peace Keeping sound much nicer then Occupation or Invasion or Regime Change?

Sadly, language only seems to get any widespread attention during comedy shows. Jon Stewart recently had a show about Bush's reasonable proposal. The proposal was about whether or not Karl Rove and others would be testifying under oath. Bush's use of the word reasonable is very telling, especially at the end when he almost forgot to say it. It is a good example of how politicians and other manipulators choose their words very carefully and repeat them until it becomes someone else's reality.

In a recent article, Charlotte Iserbyt proposed that the alternative media stop calling the Police-State / Dictatorial behaviour of politicians like Bush, Fascism. I am personally guilty of pointing some of these parallels out. She proposes using the term Communism because of the leftist association people have with the word, as oppose to Fascism which is viewed as being on the far right of the false political spectrum. The differences between applied Communism and Fascism are minimal, if not trivial, but the use of the word Communism is much more powerful when applied to supposedly right-wing conservatives like Bush.

When the Europeans were trying to name what eventually became the European Union, there was outrage against the idea of naming it the United States of Europe because the American connotation it had. Nobody seemed to look east to the former Soviet Union for some perspective on what they were getting into.

The alternative media is far behind in its use of language and too readily adopts the use of terminology used by the politicians or professional liars or smiling puppets or whatever you would like to call them. Are more people going to resist the Security and Prosperity Partnership or Deep Integration or North American Union or North American Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?
Personally I think the NA-USSR has a nice ring to it, and makes a nice acronym too.



"The debate (around population control) needs to be reopened as part of a second ecological revolution." - Professor Eggers, a leading advocate of the personal carbon trading debate

"I didn't like having a termination, but it would have been immoral to give birth to a child that I felt strongly would only be a burden to the world." - Toni Vernelli

"You pull out your phone at the checkout, wave it in front of the reader, and the payment is made for you, there is no pin, and typically you don't even get a receipt ó it's that easy" - Anne Koski, Royal Bank of Canada

"But I see a value in a provision that allows the medical community to make an assessment and, if they are an ongoing danger to the public, keep them under treatment until cured." - Staff Sgt. Todd Laycock, Edmonton Police

"I am one with my BlackBerry." - Jake Ward

"But Canadians must recognize that significant levels of taxation likely would be required to drive significant changes in behaviour." - Canadian Council of Chief Executives Report

"In fact, to refuse fighting the Taliban would mean we are refusing and rejecting our responsibilities, our institutions, ourselves. It would be a worldwide failure and a failure of our souls." - Chris Alexander, Canada's former ambassador and current UN deputy to Afghanistan

"Before it's too late, we need to make courageous choices that will create a strong alliance between man and Earth." - Pope Benedict XVI

"[the video-link decision was] in compliance with the court's decision that protesters have a right to be 'seen and heard'." - Harper's director of communications, Sandra Buckler

"This is how we will create a North American consciousness and a true North American Community. It will be forged in the heat of conflict, not through a rational discussion, as painful as that may be. It really cannot happen any other way." - Bruce Stokes, CFR Senior Fellow

"There's a time and a place for the media." - Plainclothes RCMP

"I am trying to raise two decent human beings, even though I have been advised by the police to let them run riot, turn into thugs and help keep the prison population going when they're older." - Ruth Ball

"Freedom of speech is a precious thing that we need to preserve, but there are very clear limits on that freedom and when expressing yourself takes away the rights and safety of others, that's where the limits need to be drawn." - Darren Lund

"Britishness does not normally involve snitching or talking about someone, I'm afraid, in this situation, anyone who's got any information should say something because the people we are talking about are trying to destroy our entire way of life." - Admiral Sir Alan West

"What happened to our respect for life?" - Wichita Police Chief Norman Williams

"What we really want to convey in the City of Thompson is what are acceptable and unacceptable behaviours" - Mayor Tim Johnston

"[T]hose who are anti EU are terrorists" - Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano

"Once there are policy decisions that are taken from these policy papers, then you are made aware of it. You are told about them. But there is a process of decision-making, which is not part of the public domain, which is normal." - MichËle Montas, Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General

"This is about making our roads safer and creating a level playing field across Europe." - UK Roads Minister Stephen Ladyman

"A bunch of experiments have been done over the past couple of years where simple animals, such as rats and cockroaches, have been operated on and driven by joysticks, but this is the first time where the chip has been injected in the pupa stage and 'grown' inside it." - Rod Brooks, MIT's computer science and artifical intelligence lab (CSAIL)

"We have 20 parking attendants walking around the city and we decided that they might as well look at more than just cars. One of the biggest issues on people's minds is the disrespect that some are showing to our environment." - Derek Antrobus, Salford City Council

"They don't understand the details of it [global warming], but whenever I would say in my speeches at 41 different communities,'Canada has an obligation and we want to meet the target,' people would burst into applause, every single time."
David Suzuki

"Help the Aged would not dismiss this [RFID tagging the elderly] out of hand and we would not want to label this as 'tagging'. What this potentially could be is modern technology being used to bring reassurance and stability for families with vulnerable older relatives."
Help the Aged Charity

"Nine-eleven was an event of horrendous proportions that has certainly galvanized us, Canadians also died in those towers."
Stockwell Day

"To catch vandals and envirocriminals, cameras disguised as anything from tin cans to house bricks will email images to the council's CCTV control centre."
Ealing council (UK)

"Private facilities want to be efficient and there's definitely that motivation to provide good care because a contract can always be taken away."
Dr. Godley About Public Private Health-Care

"They also need transport to move around in and they may raise questions over where they are going by being vague about their movements."
London police's anti-terrorism chief Peter Clarke

"How much money do you have on you?"
Canadian Judge

"Health Canada experts are currently working with the manufacturers to standardize this information in order to ensure consistency within North American labelling"
Health Canada

"The most important responsibility of government is the preservation of order and the protection of its citizens... And the most important civil liberty is freedom from fear of harm on the part of the civilian population, without which our other liberties mean very little."
John Manley

There were too many disturbing quotes this week to pick only one, so I have put together a Top 5 list instead.

"Everything was done for me and I followed a schedule. Now I have to think for myself."
Ralph Klein

"The single thing that we have done wrong and we are striving extremely hard to improve on (in 2007) is killing innocent civilians"



The Envy of Stalin
The North American Union ID: The Data

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
March 19, 2007

Tyrants have always collected as much information as possible on their civilians (or serfs or slaves). The more information they have the easier it is to exert control. The control comes in many forms - from the elimination of dissidents to appeasement politics - but in all cases the more information available the more predictable the response.

So how much information does your government keep on you?

We can start with the basics: name, birth date, social security numbers, income, place of work, religion, education, etc. All of this information most people hand over to the government during census time. It is, after all your civic duty (to obey). What other information are they collecting to help enhance the census?

The US Census Bureau plans to capture the latitude and longitude of the front door of every house, apartment and improvised shelter in America. This will be done by an army of 100,000 temporary workers down every street and dusty, dirt road in America armed with a handheld GPS device.

So they know who is living in the house (or impoverished shelter) and exactly where the front door is located. A picture sure would be nice.

The Calgary-based company, Zao, is now in the process of photographing and appraising every household in the United States. "That means every house, commercial building, industrial and institutional structure is being photographed and appraised property-by-property and street-by-street". This process is legal because the photos are taken from public spaces and anyone (to the delight of all peeping toms, pedophiles, stalker, rapists, thieves, tyrants, etc.) willing to pay can access their database. This compliments the satellite photographs of your property as well.

Scary? It gets worse.

Your new North American ID card will contain your fingerprints and other biometric data like retinal scans. This will be pushed through as a new high-tech drivers license in the US under the Real ID act or in Canada as a Hegelian compromise with the American demand for a passport to cross the border. This of course is a very old idea in Canada, but the time seems right to push it through.

Any tyrant would agree that you cannot ignore the children.

European Union children, possibly as young as six, will be subjected to compulsory fingerprinting under European Union rules being drawn up in secret. The prints will be stored on a database which could be shared with countries around the world. Of course this bad idea can only be expanded. European Union ministers of justice and ministers of the interior have proposed a pan-European network of fingerprint and DNA databases.

DNA? The European Union is not alone in that regard either.

In Britain, 750,000 juveniles have their DNA recorded in a national DNA database. This database now includes EVERY newborn child in Edinburgh and the Lothians (with plans to expand). Each file will be closed when the child reaches 16, but it will then be kept on record for up to 75 years.

ìTeachers, police, GPs and social workers [that is over 400,000 people] will be able to access the files to check for signs of abuse. If the child is regularly late for school or their behaviour changes dramatically, the details could be put into the system where it is hoped it will build up a picture of the child's overall welfare.î

And on this side of the pond, the US may soon be collecting DNA of all suspected criminals, even if they are proven to be innocent of any crime.

Sadly, this is an incomplete list of the information (health records, financial history, credit rating, Google searches, Ö) that is being stored on every civilian (or serf or slave) in the western world. But no need to worry, the new ID cards will be consolidated into a single database to make ìprotectingî your information that much easier. If this complete invasion of your privacy does not make your blood boil, then you should just let them install a video camera in your home.

Stalin would be envious.


The Number One Reason YOU Became A Slave

The Number 1 Reason YOU became a Slave

Brent Jessop || December 14, 2005

"Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit... all talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile" - Mackenzie King, 1935

The number 1 reason we became slaves is our complete ignorance to what money is and how it is created. The monetary systems of all the G-8 countries - including Canada - are specifically designed to force the average person and the country into debt.

You may think that because you have no personal debt that you are debt free. This is not true. As our national debt grows the value of our dollar shrinks. Combined with inflation you are loosing a lot of money.

In 2004-2005 the government paid 17.3% of all taxes collected toward ONLY THE INTEREST on the public debt. When I say the "government paid" I really mean the people of Canada since the government has no money of its own. So every dollar that you pay in taxes 17 cents of that goes directly to the private banks! This is actually a small percentage due to the low interest rates. In 1990-1991 this value peaked at 39 cents for every dollar!

What do you think we could spend this money on if it wasn't going to the private banking system? Health care? Education? Tax cuts?

The following is a quick, simple to understand tutorial on the basics of how money is created in Canada. It explains how simple it is for us to remove ourselves from the debt cycle by printing our own money to be paid back at virtually no interest instead of borrowing the money from the private banking system at much higher interest rates (currently at 3.25%). We are printing about 5% of the money through the Bank of Canada and the other 95% comes from private banks.

from The Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform

Since the numbers in the tutorial are a few years old here is a small update to the figures. You may have heard that our government has run a budget surplus for the past 8 years (1997-2005) and to their credit have reduced our Net Debt from $607.9 to 554.7 billion (Table 9). These numbers can be deceiving.

This debt reduction of $53.2 billion since 1997 had some help. In 1999 the government passed the Budget Implementation Act which allowed them to steal over $30 billion directly from public service pension surpluses. So, of this $53.2 billion reduction in the public debt, over $30 billion was "borrowed" from pensions that still need to be paid out! I am no accountant but this is just another form of debt. What will happen if the pension funds are running low on money?

One more small example from this past budget of 2004-2005. Canada's debt dropped slightly by $1.6 billion ($556.3 - 554.7). But in September of 2004 our government sold off the remaining 50 million shares of Petro-Canada for $2.6 billion (Footnote under Table 3). Not exactly the sustainable budget surplus it is hyped up to be.

Note: The government decided to sell the shares of Petro-Canada which it owned since 1975, shortly after the stock had dropped by more than 12%. Good time to sell?

Why are you a Slave?

Imagine for a second that you are in charge of the private banks that print our money (and all G-8 country's money) out of nothing and get billions of dollars back in the form of interest. What would you do with essentially an endless supply of money - more then you could possibly spend in a lifetime? It becomes a question of not what you can buy but who you can control - power becomes the driving force. Below is a 45 min video describing how this "capitalist banker conspiracy" functions. It may sound a little crazy but think about how well 9-11 fits into the "pressure from above, pressure from below" framework. This video was made well before 9-11.

G. Edward Griffin's - Capitalist Conspiracy
There is also a much newer movie by Daniel Hopsicker about the banking elite and the corrupt history of the Federal Reserve located on this website entitled The Masters of The Universe.

Should we use the Gold Standard?

The video above suggests that we should use the gold standard instead of leaving our government with the ability to manipulate our monetary system. When you consider how corrupted our government is (or could become in the future) this is the obvious solution.

But what happens if someone becomes powerful enough to manipulate the price of gold?

I am not going to pretend to have all the answers to removing the control the bankers have over us. But the longer we wait the more power and more control they are going to accumulate. The first step is to spread the word about this evil that has enslaved us. We have to remember that there are very few of them and millions of us. Their control is only superficial when people become educated.

Related Article: Money for the People, and by the People

Related Article: Bankers Enthroned - Why the NDP won't save you and details about the current bank mergers and their expansion into other financial areas.


Shill of the Week

Shill of the Week: Stephan Harper

The Shill of the Week is dedicated to the chearleaders of power who will defend them regardless of the evidence. Since this is exactly what politicians and the mainstream media do for a living it is only appropriate to award those who rise above the call of duty.

Brent Jessop || January 29, 2006

The guys running our propaganda department are not going to win any creativity points with this one. With Harper getting elected and with two-thirds of the population worried about Harper pulling us even closer to the US, what is the best way to dispel some of that fear? More fake "disagreements" with the Americans.

These fake spats give the corporate media such great material for quotes. "The United States defends its sovereignty and the Canadian government will defend our sovereignty," Harper told reporters in Ottawa. "It is the Canadian people we get our mandate from, not the ambassador of the United States."

Our brave new leader sounds a lot like the one we just got rid of. When good old Paul Martin needed a boost he started talking tough on Kyoto and proclaimed during his staged arguments with the Americans that "When it comes to defending Canadian values, when it comes to standing up for Canadian interests, I'm going to call it as I see it." This is obviously a total shame, since Martin could not have done more to keep the Americans happy.

The article that prompted all of this was about Harper's plans for building up our arctic defence despite the American's resistance to the idea. Why would the American's who are openly trying to build a North American security perimeter be opposed to improved arctic defence? Remember the whole missile defence system that Canadians wanted nothing to do with? If you are trying to defend the continent then wouldn't you want to improve the monitoring of the northern waters? Would we really use this against the American's? Would we not just let them sail through? Do you think they may benefit from the $2 billion deep water port?

Related - Your Favourite Canadian Political Parties

Related - Conservative Party of Canada

Harper brushes off U.S. criticism of Arctic plan

CBC || January 29, 2006

Prime minister-designate Stephen Harper took aim at the American ambassador's criticism of the Conservatives' Arctic sovereignty plan on Thursday, in the party leader's first news conference since winning a minority government.

"The United States defends its sovereignty and the Canadian government will defend our sovereignty," Harper told reporters in Ottawa. "It is the Canadian people we get our mandate from, not the ambassador of the United States."

A day earlier, David Wilkins, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, said his government opposes Harper's proposed plan to deploy military icebreakers in the Arctic to detect interlopers and assert Canadian sovereignty over those waters.

"There's no reason to create a problem that doesn't exist," Wilkins said as he took part in a forum at the University of Western Ontario in London.

"We don't recognize Canada's claims to those waters... Most other countries do not recognize their claim."

During the federal election campaign, which culminated in Harper's win earlier this week, the Conservatives promised to spend $5.3 billion over five years to defend northern waters against the Americans, Russians and Danes.

"Sovereignty is something, you use it or you lose it," Harper said at the pre-Christmas announcement in Winnipeg.

Article Posted at

His plan included the construction and deployment of three new armed heavy icebreaking ships, as well as the eventual construction of a $2-billion deepwater port in Iqaluit and an underwater network of "listening posts."

At the time, Harper wouldn't say whether he would order military action if the ships or port detected an unauthorized submarine in Arctic waters.

Wilkins said he doesn't think that kind of military buildup is necessary in the Far North.

"We are simply having a disagreement on this," he said on Wednesday. "We have agreed to disagree, and there's no reason ... to say, 'There's a problem that's occurring and we gotta do something about it.'"

Wilkins also said he expects less anti-American sentiment from Harper's minority government, and added that he called Harper to offer congratulations on his election victory.

Also on Thursday, Harper acknowledged he had "a very friendly conversation" with U.S. President George W. Bush a day earlier, and hoped to arrange a meeting as soon as the leaders' schedules permit.


P3s, Nazis and Polite Canadian Fascism

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
December 06, 2006

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

An often overlooked attribute of the Nazi Party was their close relationship to German industry. In fact they received a lot of their funding from big industrialists like August Borsig (Berlin locomotive manufacturer), Emil Kirdorf (Coal Syndicate) and Fritz Thyssen (United Steel Works and president of German Industrial Council). They were rewarded for their support when the Nazis obtained political power. The Nazis shifted a lot of the once fully public assets into joint public-private control. [1]

Does this sound familiar?

According to the Canadian Press, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty recently made a pledge to give maximum impact to government spending through public-private partnerships. He called this the Advantage Canada plan. Whoís advantage?

There is no shortage of these fascist sorry! public-private partnerships happening in Canada. One example is a new bridge at the border crossing between Windsor and Detroit. They forgot to mention that you are going to pay to build it and to drive on it. Just like the new toll roads going in around Montreal.

Sadly, in a poll conducted by Environics Research 64% of Canadians support the idea of public-private partnerships. This was a huge part of the justification behind the new bridge.

ìThe clear signal that the federal government is entertaining private involvement in a second bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ont., comes amid new polling data that suggests nearly two-thirds of Canadians support the idea of public-private partnerships.î
It may sound distressing that 64% of Canadians sympathize with fascism. Well, maybe not. The poll conducted by Environics Research was commissioned by " drum roll" The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP). They are described in a footnote of the same study as

"a national non-partisan, non-profit organization founded on the belief that the capacity of government to meet its current and future infrastructure and service obligations can be enhanced through public-private partnerships".
Some bias in the poll? You be the judge. The Canadian Press sure won't.

Back to the Nazis for one more detail. Another Nazi kickback scheme to big business was their ìencouragementî (in many cases violent "encouragement") of mergers between small businesses and much larger ones. This led to the creation of new or expansion of existing cartels in most industries. This of course led to the elimination of any real competition.[1]

Does this sound familiar?

The third quarter of this year was a new record for mergers and acquisitions in Canada. But remember, in traditional Orwellian fashion these mergers are to increase our global competitiveness.

[1]For more information on the Nazis and their relationship with big business read Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley, specifically chapter 9.

For more information on P3s read The United Nationsí Global Straightjacket by Joan Veon specifically chapter 2.


Radio Chipping The Loonie & Toonie

RFID Chips in Your Money, You Werenít Supposed to Know

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
May 7, 2007

It is amazing sometimes to watch how stories that should never have been reported get quickly denied and then absurd excuses used as a cover.

A perfect example is the Canadian spy coin capper.

It was originally reported that some not-in-the-know security contractors had come across some suspicious coins while travelling through Canada. These suspicions were referred to the proper authorities at the counterintelligence office of the U.S. Defense Security Service at the Department of Defence. Their resulting report stated:

ìOn at least three separate occasions between October 2005 and January 2006, cleared defense contractors' employees traveling through Canada have discovered radio frequency transmitters embedded in Canadian coins placed on their personsî

But you were not supposed to know that your money has RFID chips in it.

Nine days later:

ì ìThe allegations, however, were found later to be unsubstantiated following an investigation into the matter,î the agency said in a statement published on its Web site.î

That is as detailed as the explanation got. Unfortunately simple denial did not work and a US Freedom of Information Act and Canadian Access to Information Act requests were filed. Now they had to come up with an excuse to explain their admitted incompetence.

Drum rollÖ It was the ever suspicious ìpoppy quarterî. According to numismatist Dennis Pike:

ìthe coin's protective coating glows peculiarly under ultraviolet lightî

Case closed.


How about a quick recap.

Suspicious red-centered coins examined ìunder high-powered microscopeî. Mistook fancy new colour protecting coating for RFID chip. Never bothered to ìconfirmî (maybe by comparing microscopic appearance of suspicious red-centered coins to, say, maybe another not-so-suspicious red-centered coin) before publishing report. Heavily redacted nine day investigation revealed that we is dumb.

Please move on, we are not testing / implementing RFID chips in your money.



Information warfare. It sounds surreal enough. Howev er, it is all too real and I don't mean in China.
Free thought is now the enemy of the former Republic of the former USA. Read this very sound analysis of the war to end the Internet, then wonder how anyone is ever to counter this kind of evil.

Full Spectrum Information Warfare
Information Operation Roadmap Part 1

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
November 5, 2007

When the US military refers to full spectrum domination, they truly mean full spectrum. Information operations or information warfare is a key part of the military battlespace. Recently, a document entitled Information Operation Roadmap was declassified by the Pentagon because of a Freedom of Information Act request by the National Security Archive at George Washington University. The document was described by the Council on Foreign Relations' website as:

"A 2003 Pentagon document previously classified as 'noforn' (not for release to foreign nationals, including allies), this report details the US military's information operations, including psychological operations, electronic warfare, and involvement in foreign journalism. The document was made public by the National Security Archive on January 26, 2006."
On Par with Air, Ground, Maritime and Special Operations

The importance of information warfare is clearly laid out in this document.

"Key assumptions. Information, always important in warfare, is now critical to military success and will only become more so in the foreseeable future. Three key assumptions underscore the growing importance of information:

- (U) Effectively communicating U.S. Government (USG) capabilities and intentions is an important means of combating the plans of our adversaries. The ability to rapidly disseminate persuasive information to diverse audiences in order to directly influence their decision-making is an increasingly powerful means of deterring aggression." [emphasis mine] - 3
The major thrust of the document was that information operations should be centralized under the Office of the Secretary of Defence and made a core military competency.

"Objective: IO [information operations] becomes a core competency. The importance of dominating the information spectrum explains the objective of transforming IO into a core military competency on a par with air, ground, maritime and special operations. The charge to the IO Roadmap oversight panel was to develop as concrete a set of action recommendations as possible to make IO a core competency, which in turn required identifying the essential prerequisites to become a core military competency." [emphasis mine] - 4
Uniformity in Message and Themes

The major reason for centralizing the information operations under a single command was to create consistency between the various segments of the Pentagon's information operations.

"IO requires coordination with public affairs and civil military operations to complement the objectives of these related activities and ensure message consistency." [emphasis mine] - 23

"- (U) The USG [US Government] can not execute an effective communication strategy that facilitates military campaigns if various organs of Government disseminate inconsistent messages to foreign audiences. Therefore, it is important that policy differences between all USG Departments and Agencies be resolved to the extent that they shape themes and messages.

- (U) All DoD [Department of Defense] information activities, including information operations, which are conducted at the strategic, operational, and tactical level, should reflect and be consistent with broader national security policy and strategy objectives." [emphasis mine] - 25

"Coordinating information activities. Major DoD "information activities" include public affairs, military support to public diplomacy and PSYOP [psychological operations]. The State Department maintains the lead for public diplomacy, the [half line redacted] and the International Broadcasting Board of Governors maintains the lead for broadcasting USG messages overseas, often with DoD in a supporting role. DoD has consistently maintained that the information activities of all these agencies must be integrated and coordinated to ensure the promulgation of consistent themes and messages." [emphasis mine] - 25
A Trained and Ready Career Force

With the ascension of information operations into a core military competency the document recommended, under the heading "A Trained and Ready Career Force" that the:

"DoD [Department of Defence] requires a cadre of IO professionals capable of planning and executing fully integrated IO in support of Combatant Commanders. An IO career force should be afforded promotion and advancement opportunities commensurate with other warfighting areas and provided opportunities for advancement to senior executive or flag level rank." - 32

The forward of this document was signed by then Secretary of Defence Donald H. Rumsfeld which contained the following statement of support:

"I approve the Roadmap recommendations and direct the Services, Combatant Commands and DoD Agencies to fully support implementation of this plan." - iv
What Are Information Operations?

This document defined information operations as follows:

"The integrated employment of the core capabilities of Electronic Warfare, Computer Network Operations, Psychological Operations, Military Deception and Operations Security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decisions-making while protecting our own." - 22
The following series of articles will examine the Pentagon's intention of gaining full spectrum dominance in information warfare. Including, dominating the electro-magnetic spectrum and fighting the internet. Also, I will expand on the use of psychological operations or PSYOP as defined by the Information Operation Roadmap and if any limits exist in information warfare.
Maximum Control of the Entire Electro-Magnetic Spectrum
Information Operation Roadmap Part 2

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
November 12, 2007

In 2003, then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld signed a document called the Information Operation Roadmap which outlined, among other things, the Pentagon's desire to dominate the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

If you are unfamiliar with this document, more detail can be found in a previous article here.


From the Information Operation Roadmap:

"We Must Improve Network and Electro-Magnetic Attack Capability. To prevail in an information-centric fight, it is increasingly important that our forces dominate the electromagnetic spectrum with attack capabilities." [emphasis mine] - 6

"Cover the full range of EW [Electronic Warfare] missions and capabilities, including navigation warfare, offensive counterspace, control of adversary radio frequency systems that provide location and identification of friend and foe, etc." - 61

"Provide a future EW capability sufficient to provide maximum control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, denying, degrading, disrupting, or destroying the full spectrum of globally emerging communication systems, sensors, and weapons systems dependant on the electromagnetic spectrum." [emphasis mine] - 61

"DPG [Defense Planning Guidance] 04 tasked USD(AT&L) [Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics], in coordination with the CJCS [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] and Services, to develop recommendations to transform and extend EW capabilities, ... to detect, locate and attack the full spectrum of globally emerging telecommunications equipment, situation awareness sensors and weapons engagement technologies operating within the electromagnetic spectrum." [emphasis mine] - 59
Stealthy Platforms Above Your House

"Develop a coherent and comprehensive EW [Electronic Warfare] investment strategy for the architecture that... Pay particular attention to:

- (U) Projecting electronic attack into denied areas by means of stealthy platforms... As a matter of priority, accelerates joint development of modular EW payloads for the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle." [emphasis mine] - 62
It is interesting to see the mention of stealthy platforms like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) because they are now patrolling both the Canadian and Mexican borders of the United States and will soon be patrolling the arctic. With funding supplied by Homeland Security, US police departments are also using UAVs to spy on the citizens below. A couple of examples are Sacramento, California and...

"one North Carolina county is using a UAV equipped with low-light and infrared cameras to keep watch on its citizens. The aircraft has been dispatched to monitor gatherings of motorcycle riders at the Gaston County fairgrounds from just a few hundred feet in the air--close enough to identify faces--and many more uses, such as the aerial detection of marijuana fields, are planned."
The Electronic Battlespace

"The ACTD [Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration] should examine a range of technologies including a network of unmanned aerial vehicles and miniaturized, scatterable public address systems for satellite rebroadcast in denied areas. It should also consider various message delivery systems, to include satellite radio and television, cellular phones and other wireless devices and the Internet." [emphasis mine] - 65

"Exploits other transformational EW initiatives, including use of the E-Space Analysis Center to correlate and fuse all available data that creates a real time electronic battlespace picture." [emphasis mine] - 62
How exactly do you create a real time electronic battlespace picture? And where exactly is the battlespace? A very similar statement was made in the Project for a New American Century document Rebuilding America's Defenses published in September of 2000 (more about this document here and here.)

"New classes of sensors - commercial and military; on land, on and under sea, in the air and in space - will be linked together in dense networks that can be rapidly configured and reconfigured to provide future commanders with an unprecedented understanding of the battlefield." - pg 59
An article written by Mark Baard from sheds some light on this subject.

"Philadelphia, San Francisco, Houston, and Providence, R.I. are among the cities partnering with private companies and the federal government to set up public broadband internet access. Providence used Homeland Security funds to construct a network for police, which may be made available to the public at a later date..."

"But even if the cities fail to complete their Wi-Fi projects, the military will be able to set up wireless networks within hours, perhaps even faster."

"The DOD [Department of Defense], which is in the middle of joint urban war-games with Homeland Security and Canadian, Israeli and other international forces, is experimenting with Wi-Fi networks it can set up on the fly."

"According to a recent DOD announcement for contractors, soldiers will be able to drop robots, called LANdroids... when they arrive in a city. The robots will then scurry off to position themselves, becoming nodes for a wireless communications network. (Click here to download a PDF of the DOD announcement.)"

"The Wi-Fi antennae dotting the urban landscape will serve not only as communications relays, but as transponders that can pinpoint the exact positions of of individual computers and mobile phones - a scenario I described in the Boston Globe last year."

"In other words, where GPS loses site of a device (and its owner), Wi-Fi will pick up the trail."

"The antennae will also relay orders to the brain-chipped masses, members of the British Ministry of Defense and the DOD believe."

My next article will examine the Pentagon's desire to "fight the net" as outlined in the Information Operation Roadmap. Also, I will examine the use of psychological operations or PSYOP and highlight the complete lack of limits to the use of all these information operations, be it on domestic American or foreign audiences.
"We Must Fight the Net"
Information Operation Roadmap Part 3

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
November 19, 2007

The Pentagon's Information Operations Roadmap is blunt about the fact that an internet, with the potential for free speech, is in direct opposition to their goals. The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system".

The 2003 Pentagon document entitled the Information Operation Roadmap was released to the public after a Freedom of Information Request by the National Security Archive at George Washington University in 2006. A detailed explanation of the major thrust of this document and the significance of information operations or information warfare was described by me here.

Computer Network Attack

From the Information Operation Roadmap:

"When implemented the recommendations of this report will effectively jumpstart a rapid improvement of CNA [Computer Network Attack] capability." - 7

"Enhanced IO [information operations] capabilities for the warfighter, including: ... A robust offensive suite of capabilities to include full-range electronic and computer network attack..." [emphasis mine] - 7
Would the Pentagon use its computer network attack capabilities on the Internet?

Fighting the Net

"We Must Fight the Net. DoD [Department of Defense] is building an information-centric force. Networks are increasingly the operational center of gravity, and the Department must be prepared to "fight the net." " [emphasis mine] - 6

"DoD's "Defense in Depth" strategy should operate on the premise that the Department will "fight the net" as it would a weapons system." [emphasis mine] - 13
It should come as no surprise that the Pentagon would aggressively attack the "information highway" in their attempt to achieve dominance in information warfare. Donald Rumsfeld's involvement in the Project for a New American Century sheds more light on the need and desire to control information.

PNAC Dominating Cyberspace

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) was founded in 1997 with many members that later became the nucleus of the George W. Bush administration. The list includes: Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, I. Lewis Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz among many other powerful but less well know names. Their stated purpose was to use a hugely expanded U.S. military to project "American global leadership." In September of 2000, PNAC published a now infamous document entitled Rebuilding America's Defences. This document has a very similar theme as the Pentagon's Information Operations Roadmap which was signed by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

From Rebuilding America's Defenses:

"It is now commonly understood that information and other new technologies... are creating a dynamic that may threaten America's ability to exercise its dominant military power." [emphasis mine] - 4

"Control of space and cyberspace. Much as control of the high seas - and the protection of international commerce - defined global powers in the past, so will control of the new "international commons" be a key to world power in the future. An America incapable of protecting its interests or that of its allies in space or the "infosphere" will find it difficult to exert global political leadership." [emphasis mine] - 51

"Although it may take several decades for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and "combat" likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, "cyber-space," and perhaps the world of microbes." [emphasis mine] - 60
For more on Rebuilding America's Defences read this.

Internet 2

Part of the Information Operation Roadmap's plans for the internet are to "ensure the graceful degradation of the network rather than its collapse." (pg 45) This is presented in "defensive" terms, but presumably, it is as exclusively defensive as the Department of Defense.

As far as the Pentagon is concerned the internet is not all bad, after all, it was the Department of Defense through DARPA that gave us the internet in the first place. The internet is useful not only as a business tool but also is excellent for monitoring and tracking users, acclimatizing people to a virtual world, and developing detailed psychological profiles of every user, among many other Pentagon positives. But, one problem with the current internet is the potential for the dissemination of ideas and information not consistent with US government themes and messages, commonly known as free speech. Naturally, since the plan was to completely dominate the "infosphere," the internet would have to be adjusted or replaced with an upgraded and even more Pentagon friendly successor.

In an article by Paul Joseph Watson of Prison, he describes the emergence of Internet 2.

"The development of "Internet 2" is also designed to create an online caste system whereby the old Internet hubs would be allowed to break down and die, forcing people to use the new taxable, censored and regulated world wide web. If you're struggling to comprehend exactly what the Internet will look like in five years unless we resist this, just look at China and their latest efforts to completely eliminate dissent and anonymity on the web."

The next article will examine the Pentagon's use of psychological operations or PSYOP and the final article in this series will examine whether or not there are any limits to using information operations on the American public or foreign audiences.
Information Warfare Using Aggressive Psychological Operations
Information Operation Roadmap Part 4

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
November 26, 2007

The Pentagon's plans for psychological operations or PSYOP in the global information environment of the 21st century are wide ranging and aggressive. These desires are outlined in the 2003 Pentagon document signed by Donald Rumsfeld in his capacity as the Secretary of Defense called the Information Operation Roadmap.

More detail about the origins and purpose of this document can be read in the first part of this series here. Also, a description of the Pentagon's desire to dominate the entire electro-magnetic spectrum and their need to "fight the net" as outline in the Information Operation Roadmap were previously described.

What is a PSYOP?

A PSYOP is not specifically defined in this document but it does provide some insight into the wide ranging activities that are considered PSYOP.

"The customary position was that "public affairs informs, while public diplomacy and PSYOP influence." PSYOP also has been perceived as the most aggressive of the three information activities, using diverse means, including psychological manipulation and personal threats." [emphasis mine] - 26

"One result of public affairs and civil military operations is greater support for military endeavors and thus, conversely these activities can help discourage and dissuade enemies, which PSYOP does more directly with its own tactics, techniques and procedures." [emphasis mine] - 10

"PSYOP messages disseminated to any audience except individual decision-makers (and perhaps even then) will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public." [emphasis mine] - 26

"A PSYOP force ready to conduct sophisticated target-audience analysis and modify behaviour with multi-media PSYOP campaigns featuring commercial-quality products that can be rapidly disseminated throughout the Combatant Commanders area of operations." [emphasis mine] - 63

"PSYOP products must be based on in-depth knowledge of the audience's decision-making processes and the factors influencing his decisions, produced rapidly at the highest quality standards, and powerfully disseminated directly to targeted audiences throughout the area of operations." [emphasis mine] - 6

"Better depiction of the attitudes, perceptions and decision-making processes of an adversary. Understanding how and why adversaries make decisions will require improvements in Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and open source exploitation, as well as improved analytic tools and methods." [emphasis mine] - 39

"SOCOM [Special Operations Command] should create a Joint PSYOP Support Element to coordinate Combatant Command programs and products with the Joint Staff and OSD [Office of the Secretary of Defense] to provide rapidly produced, commercial-quality PSYOP product prototypes consistent with overall U.S. Government themes and messages." [emphasis mine] - 15

"SOCOM's ongoing PSYOP Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration and modernization efforts should permit the timely, long-range dissemination of products with various PSYOP delivery systems. This includes satellite, radio and television, cellular phones and other wireless devices, the Internet and upgrades to traditional delivery systems such as leaflets and loudspeakers that are highly responsive to maneuver commanders." [emphasis mine] - 15

"PSYOP equipment capabilities require 21st Century technology. This modernization would permit the long-range dissemination of PSYOP messages via new information venues such as satellites, the Internet, personal digital assistants and cell phones:

- (U) PSYOP ACTD. Commencing in FY04, SOCOM [Special Operations Command] initiates an Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) to address dissemination of PSYOP products into denied areas. The ACTD should examine a range of technologies including a network of unmanned aerial vehicles and miniaturized, scatterable public address systems for satellite rebroadcast in denied areas. It should also consider various message delivery systems, to include satellite radio and television, cellular phones and other wireless devices and the Internet." [emphasis mine] - 65

"Rapid, fully integrated nodal and network analysis providing Combatant Commanders with holistic kinetic and non-kinetic solutions for a full range of electromagnetic, physical and human IO [information operations] targets." [emphasis mine] - 39

"Capabilities such as physical security, information assurance, counter intelligence and physical attack make important contributions to effective IO." [emphasis mine] - 23
Third Party PSYOP

The Pentagon is also willing to use third parties for their PSYOP.

"Identify and disseminate the views of third party advocates that support U.S. positions. These sources may not articulate the U.S. position the way that the USG [US Government] would, but that may nonetheless have a positive influence." [emphasis mine] - 27
Under recommendation number 48 - "Create a Joint PSYOP Support Element" - is the following:

"Contract for commercial sources for enhanced product development." [emphasis mine] - 64
The use of third party advocates or front groups for the dissemination of US government propaganda is well documented. A couple of recent examples include the illegal payment of $1.6 billion for domestic fake news and similar activities in Iraq using the Lincoln Group among others.

Virtual PSYOP

Not only is the Pentagon exploiting new and old technology for aggressive behavior modification, they can also practice and refine their techniques in a virtual simulation of the entire world.

From an article by Mark Baard:

"U.S defense, intel and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world, on a computer, which the agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies."

"Called the Sentient World Simulation, the program uses AI routines based upon the psychological theories of Marty Seligman, among others. (Seligman introduced the theory of "learned helplessness" in the 1960s, after shocking beagles until they cowered, urinating, on the bottom of their cages.)"

"Yank a country's water supply. Stage a military coup. SWS will tell you what happens next."

"The sim will feature an AR avatar for each person in the real world, based upon data collected about us from government records and the internet."
How useful do you think your new MySpace or Facebook account is in helping the Pentagon develop a detailed psychological profile of you? Do you think they would be shy in exploiting such a valuable source of personal data?

AIDS Awareness

PSYOP in the past, however, often was used to support U.S. Government public diplomacy and information objectives with non-adversarial audiences. These actions include counter-drug, demining and AIDS awareness programs in friendly countries." [emphasis mine] - 25
It is a minor point in the context of this document, but it is worth reflecting on why US military PSYOP were used for AIDS awareness.

Are There Any Limits to Information Warfare?

An obvious question arises from the description of PSYOP described by the Information Operation Roadmap, are there any limits? Can PSYOP be conducted on the American public or just foreign audiences? On adversaries or non-adversaries? Can they be performed during peacetime? My next article will attempt to show just how few limits there actually are.
Information Warfare Without Limits
Information Operation Roadmap Part 5

Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven
December 3, 2007

The 2003 Pentagon document entitled Information Operation Roadmap describes the need to dominate the entire electromagnetic spectrum, 'fight the net', and use psychological operations to aggressively modify behaviour. But one major question remains; are there any limits to information warfare?

If you are unfamiliar with the Information Operation Roadmap please read a previous article I wrote describing the major thrust of this document.

PSYOP, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

From the Information Operation Roadmap:

"In the past some basic similarities and dissimilarities between PSYOP [psychological operations], support to public diplomacy and public affairs generally have been accepted. Historically all three used truth to bolster credibility, and all three addressed foreign audiences, both adversary and non-adversaries. Only public affairs addressed domestic audiences. In addition, all three activities sought a positive impact for USG [US Government] interests, but with some differences in the methods employed and objectives sought. The customary position was that "public affairs informs, while public diplomacy and PSYOP influence." PSYOP also has been perceived as the most aggressive of the three information activities, using diverse means, including psychological manipulation and personal threats." [emphasis mine] - 26
There is a lot happening in this paragraph, first, there is the almost humorous statement; "truth to bolster credibility". Does anyone remember WMDs, Saddam and 9/11, maybe some uranium from Niger? Do you believe these examples of public affairs were to inform or influence?

Secondly, "USG interests" are by no means the same as the interests of the average American. Thirdly, the concept that only public affairs is being addressed to domestic audiences, is simply absurd given the ability of information to pass across borders. This document even admits as much:

"Impact of the global village. The increasing ability of people in most parts of the globe to access international sources makes targeting particular audiences more difficult. Today the distinction between foreign and domestic audiences becomes more a question of USG [US Government] intent rather than information dissemination practices:

PSYOP is restricted by both DoD [Department of Defense] policy and executive order from targeting American audiences, our military personnel and news agencies or outlets... However, information intended for foreign audiences, including public diplomacy and PSYOP, increasingly is consumed by our domestic audience and vice-versa... PSYOP messages disseminated to any audience except individual decision-makers (and perhaps even then) will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public." [emphasis mine] - 26
So there you have it, "the distinction between foreign and domestic audiences becomes more a question of US government intent rather than information dissemination practices". Therefore, the American public is fair game for all forms of US government propaganda, be it, public affairs, public diplomacy or PSYOP. Remember, PSYOP use "diverse means, including psychological manipulation and personal threats" among many other things.

It should also be highlighted that PSYOP are only restricted not prohibited from being used on the American public. If that loophole is not large enough, the distinctions between the tactics of public affairs, public diplomacy and PSYOP are elaborated in Appendix C of the Information Operation Roadmap. The very last task listed for PSYOP is: "when called upon, support to local public affairs activities".

Appendix C of this document is well worth the one page read (pg 71). Some other highlight include:

Public Affairs:
"Rapid Response/Truth Squads and "Briefings Plus" "
"Humanitarian road shows"
"Media embeds"
"Combat Camera products on events not accessible to news media"

Public Diplomacy:
"Content of speeches or OP/ED pieces by senior DoD [Department of Defense] officials to foreign audiences"
"Talking points for private exchanges with foreign leaders"
"Overt dissemination of USG [US Government] policy. e.g. Asia-Pacific Forum"

"Radio/TV/Print/Web media designed to directly modify behaviour and distributed in theatre supporting military endeavors in semi or non-permissive environments"
"When called upon, support to theatre public diplomacy"
"DoD advisors to assist friendly forces in developing PSYOP programs"

Changing Definitions

Definitions are another great tool if you are trying to deceive. As described above the definitions of and distinction between public affair, public diplomacy and PSYOP are left intentionally vague. Lawyers make a living out of this type of deception and their hands are all over this document.

"PSYOP should focus on support to military endeavors (exercises, deployments and operations) in non-permissive or semi-permissive environments (i.e. when adversaries are part of the equation).

- (U) However, PSYOP forces and capabilities may be employed to support U.S. public diplomacy as part of approved theatre security cooperation guideline. In this case PSYOP personnel and equipment are not conducting a PSYOP mission, but rather are providing military support to public diplomacy." [emphasis mine] - 27
Get that? If PSYOP forces and equipment are used in support of military endeavours, it is a PSYOP mission. If PSYOP forces and equipment are used in support of public diplomacy, it is public diplomacy.

A Quick Recap

A close read of the above quotes reveal that information operations, specifically PSYOP, can be used on both domestic and foreign audiences, in non-permissive or semi-permissive environments, and on adversary and non-adversary. Are there any other limits?

Peace, Crisis and War

"The Department's concept of IO [information operations] should emphasize full spectrum IO that makes a potent contribution to effects based operations across the full range of military operations during peace, crisis and war. [emphasis mine]" - 7

"Peacetime preparation. The Department's IO concept should emphasize that full-spectrum information operations are full-time operations requiring extensive preparations in peacetime... Well before crises develop, the IO battlespace should be prepared through intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and extensive planning activities... Similarly, considerable effort should be made to characterize potential adversary audiences, and particularly senior decision-makers and decision-making processes and priorities. If such human factors analysis is not conducted well in advance of the conflict, it will not be possible to craft PSYOP themes and messages that will be effective in modifying adversary behaviour" [emphasis mine] - 8

"Clear, unambiguous and streamlined DoD [Department of Defense] oversight and policy that empowers Combatant Commanders to execute full spectrum IO before, during and after combat operations." [emphasis mine] - 20
Denied Areas

"Improvements in PSYOP capability are required to rapidly generate audience specific, commercial-quality products into denied areas." [emphasis mine] - 26

"Projecting electronic attack into denied areas by means of stealthy platforms." [emphasis mine] - 62

Does the Pentagon define any real limits to information warfare? Information operations can be used on both domestic and foreign audiences, in non-permissive or semi-permissive environments, on adversary and non-adversary, during peace, crisis and war, and in denied areas. Should we really expect anything less? They did tell us that their goal was full spectrum dominance.
