Those Who Forget History Doom The Rest Of Us To Watch Them Repeat It
Failure to recognise or stop any impending mafiocracy, wherein controlling interests create wealth and privilege and then take violent action to politically protect themselves from the same ransacked populace they have only just robbed through privatisation of formerly government resources can prove fatal.
This is just what the elected did in Argentina, betraying every campaign promise just as soon as power was achieved, even though Argentina was, at the time, a thriving democracy. This corruption, in turn, led to what has since been described as Social Genocide (for the whole story, see the documentary of the same name).
At that point, long after the people had valiantly fought in the streets and had died by the thousands, and after they were starving to death, many only dared to whisper:
"Remember how wonderful it used to be back when when we were still free and had choices?"
I wonder if our Canadian response to the news below might be a slightly different refrain, whisperings that too many chose to do nothing until it was too late to do anything.
Granted the article below was not written by an on island voice.
But then, the impending Harper sell out may yet create awareness and discussion for those who may well want to be prepared for such unwanted changes.
Besides, why risk being stuck in some nostalgic time warp, only to suddenly get caught unaware and unprepared, if this kind of regime does succeed?
I wonder, are there any activists out there who think ordinary people can or should do anything to maybe try to stop this? If so, what?
If not, why?
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