One small Gulf Island off the coast of B.C. in Canada begins to seem more physically and topographically lovely than ever, especially given the degeneration of much of the world, and even if fringe living solves little globally.
On that same topic, namely the future of Canada itself, I propose that Canada is plummeting head first toward being a Reform/Alliance/Conservative majority by the very next election.
I suggest we either openly rebel now or else get used to this idea because this and more probably will happen.
Keep in mind that by design Ignatieff, all to appropriately called "Iggy", is clearly window dressing, meant to be no threat to Harper, who manages to remain rigid, dead eyed and teflon coated no matter how dire the warning to Canadian citizens implied in each exponentially less democratic and more violent scandal.
The 2010 G-20 is only Harper's latest example of his leader's vision made manifest, the world as a fenced prison, the elite inside the walls, the techno feudal imagery, the orchestrated spatial apartheid. This IS Harper's plan for our future. This IS the mentality under which he operates.
This riot squad nightmare, imported bullies in faceless uniforms, this was and remains Harper's very own creation, an exercise paid for by the serfs, for which he was the global host. On Harper's watch, a farmer sitting peacefully in the park had his artificial leg torn off and used to beat him senseless.On Harper's watch women were finger raped by cops - with impunity. And there are hundreds of stories just like this.
The undercover Black Bloc were left conspicuously untouched because cops never touch one of their own. Hence each of the real Bloc wore one white sock and one black sock, to identify them and avoid arrest.
Yet in our beloved country these and worse tactics have already begun to fade from the collective memory, even as Harper now openly talks in platitudes about the necessity for Canada's citizens to adapt to Canada as a "post sovereign nation" in which foreign authorities will in the near future have absolute say over every detail of our lives.
I keep pinching myself.
Can this really be happening in my lifetime? Is Harper the hatchet man chosen to oversee the end of Canada, until recently the most enviable nation on earth? ARe we really to allow our entire nation to be undone by one "minority" non representative paranoid psychopathic tyrant with dead eyes? Are full fledged adults no longer able to resist or rebel against this sabotage of Canada, lockstep by lockstep, the jackboot on the neck of Canadians, carried out in collusion with Harper's all too willing cronies?
In light of only the latest example of illegal leadership and actionable abuse of power, our Sub Prime Minister's accountability has not been effectively addressed. Where are the real Constitutional lawyers when they are needed to save us from destruction?
Meanwhile, Canadians themselves by in large almost passively seem to accept disillusionment, in effect willing to forfeit all for which our forefathers fought and won, seem unable to break the trance, settling for bitter fruit, resigned as if to the fact that this is the new everyday ordinary police state we must get used to henceforth.
Watch closely the face of this hollow man with those chidren-of-the-damned eyes, that other men with no backbone call "steely". Others lower down the pyramid may bluster on through the G-20 extreme violations of our Constitution. Some may eventually pay a small price for what will be deemed to have been mismanagement, at every level, except where it matters, at the top, where it was managed just as intended.
Harper's head will not roll over the G-20 nightmare, not even in the (rigged?) polls. In fact, every last one of his lily livered opponents make Harper look that much better. Harper could not have hand picked a better political opposition. All appear to be on the same page advocating the loss of Canadian sovereignty, implicitly if not explicitly.
Expect a Tory majority in the next election.
Easily irrelevant, Ignatieff will always turn off the average voter, given the superficial, reactive basis on which voting decisions are made in English Canada.
Oh Canada, our home and former land, where are those of passion willing to stop this death rattle and reclaim one of the most beautiful countries on earth?
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