"I didn't like having a termination, but it would have been immoral to give birth to a child that I felt strongly would only be a burden to the world." - Toni Vernelli
"You pull out your phone at the checkout, wave it in front of the reader, and the payment is made for you, there is no pin, and typically you don't even get a receipt ó it's that easy" - Anne Koski, Royal Bank of Canada
"But I see a value in a provision that allows the medical community to make an assessment and, if they are an ongoing danger to the public, keep them under treatment until cured." - Staff Sgt. Todd Laycock, Edmonton Police
"I am one with my BlackBerry." - Jake Ward
"But Canadians must recognize that significant levels of taxation likely would be required to drive significant changes in behaviour." - Canadian Council of Chief Executives Report
"In fact, to refuse fighting the Taliban would mean we are refusing and rejecting our responsibilities, our institutions, ourselves. It would be a worldwide failure and a failure of our souls." - Chris Alexander, Canada's former ambassador and current UN deputy to Afghanistan
"Before it's too late, we need to make courageous choices that will create a strong alliance between man and Earth." - Pope Benedict XVI
"[the video-link decision was] in compliance with the court's decision that protesters have a right to be 'seen and heard'." - Harper's director of communications, Sandra Buckler
"This is how we will create a North American consciousness and a true North American Community. It will be forged in the heat of conflict, not through a rational discussion, as painful as that may be. It really cannot happen any other way." - Bruce Stokes, CFR Senior Fellow
"There's a time and a place for the media." - Plainclothes RCMP
"I am trying to raise two decent human beings, even though I have been advised by the police to let them run riot, turn into thugs and help keep the prison population going when they're older." - Ruth Ball
"Freedom of speech is a precious thing that we need to preserve, but there are very clear limits on that freedom and when expressing yourself takes away the rights and safety of others, that's where the limits need to be drawn." - Darren Lund
"Britishness does not normally involve snitching or talking about someone, I'm afraid, in this situation, anyone who's got any information should say something because the people we are talking about are trying to destroy our entire way of life." - Admiral Sir Alan West
"What happened to our respect for life?" - Wichita Police Chief Norman Williams
"What we really want to convey in the City of Thompson is what are acceptable and unacceptable behaviours" - Mayor Tim Johnston
"[T]hose who are anti EU are terrorists" - Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano
"Once there are policy decisions that are taken from these policy papers, then you are made aware of it. You are told about them. But there is a process of decision-making, which is not part of the public domain, which is normal." - MichËle Montas, Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General
"This is about making our roads safer and creating a level playing field across Europe." - UK Roads Minister Stephen Ladyman
"A bunch of experiments have been done over the past couple of years where simple animals, such as rats and cockroaches, have been operated on and driven by joysticks, but this is the first time where the chip has been injected in the pupa stage and 'grown' inside it." - Rod Brooks, MIT's computer science and artifical intelligence lab (CSAIL)
"We have 20 parking attendants walking around the city and we decided that they might as well look at more than just cars. One of the biggest issues on people's minds is the disrespect that some are showing to our environment." - Derek Antrobus, Salford City Council
"They don't understand the details of it [global warming], but whenever I would say in my speeches at 41 different communities,'Canada has an obligation and we want to meet the target,' people would burst into applause, every single time."
David Suzuki
"Help the Aged would not dismiss this [RFID tagging the elderly] out of hand and we would not want to label this as 'tagging'. What this potentially could be is modern technology being used to bring reassurance and stability for families with vulnerable older relatives."
Help the Aged Charity
"Nine-eleven was an event of horrendous proportions that has certainly galvanized us, Canadians also died in those towers."
Stockwell Day
"To catch vandals and envirocriminals, cameras disguised as anything from tin cans to house bricks will email images to the council's CCTV control centre."
Ealing council (UK)
"Private facilities want to be efficient and there's definitely that motivation to provide good care because a contract can always be taken away."
Dr. Godley About Public Private Health-Care
"They also need transport to move around in and they may raise questions over where they are going by being vague about their movements."
London police's anti-terrorism chief Peter Clarke
"How much money do you have on you?"
Canadian Judge
"Health Canada experts are currently working with the manufacturers to standardize this information in order to ensure consistency within North American labelling"
Health Canada
"The most important responsibility of government is the preservation of order and the protection of its citizens... And the most important civil liberty is freedom from fear of harm on the part of the civilian population, without which our other liberties mean very little."
John Manley
There were too many disturbing quotes this week to pick only one, so I have put together a Top 5 list instead.
"Everything was done for me and I followed a schedule. Now I have to think for myself."
Ralph Klein
"The single thing that we have done wrong and we are striving extremely hard to improve on (in 2007) is killing innocent civilians"
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